Zimbabwe Civil Society Organisations Database

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This website is a hub of registered and validated community based and civil society organisations responding to HIV & AIDS, Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH), non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and general health in Zimbabwe. Read more >
It was produced as part of the a Civil Society Organisation (CSO) Strategic Action Plan which
- Defined the future role and mandate of civil society in supporting the achievement of 90-90-90 (and then 95-95-95); and developed a Community Charter to share this new role among civil society, key stakeholders and partners.
- Disseminate an Engagement and Accountability Framework on how civil society can support the move to more comprehensive health programming, integrating HIV within the broader health agenda, to help achieve Universal Health Coverage.
- Produced this online database that maps the location and coverage of CSOs, as well as the services provided.
Read the CSO mapping final report which explains in detail the process of mapping the CSOs in Zimbabwe.
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Website: {{ item.gsx$website}} Contact person: {{ item.gsx$contact }} Email: {{ item.gsx$email }} Mobile phone: {{ item.gsx$mobilephone }} Address: {{ item.gsx$address }}
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